Singing Guide: Perry Farrell

Singing Guide: Perry Farrell

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Perry Farrell's Singing Style: Tips to Sing Like Him

Perry Farrell is a unique singer known for his distinctive vocal style, which blends punk rock, funk, and alternative rock. He was the lead singer of Jane's Addiction, Porno for Pyros, and Satellite Party.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Analyzing Your Voice

Before you start practicing your singing, it's helpful to analyze your voice. Try taking Singing Carrots' Vocal range test to determine your range and compare it with Perry Farrell's. Knowing your range can help you select the right songs to practice.

Breath Support

Perry Farrell's singing style often involves long, sustained notes, which require good breath support. To improve your breath support, practice Singing Carrots' Breath support exercises to strengthen your diaphragm and control your airflow.

Voice Registers

Perry Farrell makes use of different voice registers in his singing style, including chest voice and falsetto. Understanding these registers can help you expand your range and control your voice, preventing strain or breaks. Read Singing Carrots' Voice registers & vocal break guide to learn more about them.

Twang Technique

Perry Farrell uses the twang technique in his singing, which gives his voice a bright, metallic sound. You can practice this technique with Singing Carrots' How to Twang Exercise.


Perry Farrell often uses vibrato in his singing, which involves oscillating the pitch of a note. You can learn more about this technique and practice it with Singing Carrots' Singing with Vibrato guide.

Perry Farrell's Song Choice

Perry Farrell's songs showcase his unique singing style and can inspire you to practice different techniques. Some notable songs to learn are Jane's Addiction's "Been caught stealing" and Porno for Pyros' "Pets".

Materials to Use

Use Singing Carrots' Pitch accuracy test and Pitch Training to practice your pitch accuracy and range. You can also search for songs by vocal range on Singing Carrots' Song search tool and learn more about other famous singers' vocal ranges on the Artist vocal ranges page.

In summary, to learn to sing like Perry Farrell, you should work on analyzing your voice, improving your breath support, understanding voice registers, practicing Perry's twang and vibrato techniques, learning his song choices, and using resources from Singing Carrots such as Pitch accuracy test, Pitch training, Song search, Artist vocal ranges, and courses. Incorporating these tips and techniques into your practice routine can help you develop a unique and dynamic singing style like Perry Farrell's.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.